Sunday 23 June 2013

The Best Place on Earth

Yesterday we did more driving than birding and ended up in British Columbia. When we crossed the border the sign said "Welcome, The Best Place on Earth" and it didn't take long being in BC to realize that weren't kidding when they put that on the welcome sign! BC is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen (and not even *actually* seen.) It is prettier than anything you see in photos and the movies. See for yourself...

Although we didn't do any major birding, I still saw six new life birds!! The campground we stayed in the night before in Montana had a nice trail down to a river. We hiked that trail in the morning and I saw a Chestnut-backed Chickadee and a Violet-green Swallow! While checking my email outside, I had a Black-chinned Hummingbird hovering about 10 feet in front of my face, just long enough for me to get an amazing look at him!!!

Along Route 3 in BC, we pulled off on the side of the road and there happened to be a trail down to the lake pictured above. We took the trail, mainly because there was snow and I have been wanting to play in the snow since I saw some on the mountain tops a few days ago! It ended up being great birding!! I saw my lifer  Steller's Jays which made me happy because they remind me of one of my favorite birds from Guatemala! I also saw lifer Mountain Chickadees and a Barrow's Goldeneye!

I also saw a mountain goat while driving yesterday! No pictures, but it was pretty cool to see!! The mammals on this trip are just as interesting as the birds, and I have been very lucky to see so many neat mammal species already!! Next I am hoping for bears :)

We are getting ready to leave Catherine Lake, BC to head further north towards Prince George. I can't wait to see what kind of beautiful scenery and birds I will find today!!

Here's a photo I took through the window of the view we had while driving!

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