Sunday 16 June 2013

I love North Dakota!!

Last night we stayed at a campground without wifi, but it was a great day! Margaret and I birded one of the most beautiful areas I have ever seen: Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge. Besides the birds, we saw part of a bison herd that included the BIGGEST bull bison either of us have ever seen, some cows, and a bouncy little calf! It was a little bit terrifying being on the same side of the fence with this massive animal!
Today we birded around the Carrington, ND area and near Chase Lake, although we never actually made it to the lake due to the "low management" roads that were pretty much impassable for the RV! I saw TONS of new birds the past two days. I never imagined North Dakota as such an amazing state for birding, but it has been incredible and we still have another stop in North Dakota tomorrow!!

Margaret is working towards her goal of 450 species this year and is well on her way to meeting that goal with 415 as of today!!

So far, North Dakota has given me 92 species including SIXTEEN Life Birds!!

Western Grebe
Western Kingbird
Vesper Sparrow
Eared Grebe
Le Conte's Sparrow
Western Meadowlark
Ferruginous Hawk
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Gray Partridge
American Bittern
Swainson's Hawk
American Avocet
Black Tern
Grasshopper Sparrow
Nelson's Sparrow
Cattle Egret

My Grasshopper Sparrow Life Bird!!

Check out more of my photos from the trip here: 

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