Saturday 9 June 2018

WBU Spring Nature Hike - Summer Residents of Blendon Woods Metro Park

WBU Nature Hike Participants at Blendon Woods Metro Park
Photo by Sheila Fagan

Today I led the last Wild Birds Unlimited sponsored nature hike for the Spring 2018 season. We went to Blendon Woods Metro Park in search of a variety of nesting species.

Summer Tanager. Photo by Anna Wittmer.
The morning started pleasantly cool and partly sunny. As the group gathered in the first parking lot near the Ranger Station, we immediately started hearing the "pit-ti-tuck" call of a Summer Tanager and an Eastern Wood-Pewee. We walked along the edge of the parking lot, looking for the Summer Tanager and quickly realized there were two! A male and female Summer Tanager flew back and forth between a few trees before finally settling on a small evergreen and bush nearby. Everyone enjoyed great looks at the male, and most of us got to see the female as well. When we had had our fill of the tanagers, along with a Wild Turkey, an Eastern Bluebird, and a Red-tailed Hawk perched on the flag post, we headed into the woods.

Red-tailed Hawk. Photo by Anna Wittmer.
We hiked the Brookside Trail through the woods and along the stream. We immediately began hearing several Red-eyed Vireos. An adult Barred Owl flew in front of us on the trail and landed on a nearby branch to preen. It looked as though it had just taken a bath, and also seemed to have wear on its feathers from nesting.

Barred Owl preening after a bath. Photo by Anna Wittmer.
As the Barred Owl cleaned its feathers, we got to witness a Red-eyed Vireo scolding the owl for being too close to a nest. We continued on the trail to get a close-up view of an Acadian Flycatcher. We quietly walked under a Northern Cardinal sitting on her nest just above the trail. With the density of leaves, we heard many more species than we were able to see, so we had discussions on telling the birds apart and birding by ear. Both Red-eyed Vireos and Yellow-throated Vireos sang, so we were able to practice differentiating those. A Great-crested Flycatcher called, and several species of woodpeckers called, including Red-bellied Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, and Downy Woodpecker.

Here is our full list of species:

A Wild Turkey in the parking lot. Photo by Anna Wittmer.
Today's hike was a great way to end the season. I'm really looking forward to getting back out in the field with Wild Birds Unlimited in September!

Anna Wittmer
Wild Bird Unlimited
6654 Sawmill Rd

Visit our store website or follow us on Facebook for information of future hikes and programs.

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