Saturday 16 April 2016

More Cemetery Birding

Exactly one month ago, I started a new job. It was two months after my wedding day. I was happy to be married to my wonderful husband, Ben, but I didn't like my previous job. I was stressed enough over starting a new job and moving to a new city. Not even mentioning moving INTO the city from my woodsy bird-rich rural home where I had spent the majority of the last 26 years back in Lexington, Ohio; and I was worried about how the move and my own stress was affecting my 15 year old kitty, Maxine.

Well, zip past that month, back to today, and Max is very contently sleeping next to me; purring away as I type! I absolutely love my new job at Wild Birds Unlimited! It is great to be able to talk with people about birds all day long! I love being able to help them solve problems. I often get to share exciting the natural history of a variety of birds and I even get to put my IDing skills to test. It is so great to be surrounded by so many people, every single day who appreciate and love birds as much as I do! On top of that, a few weeks ago I was asked if I'd like to lead some birding/nature hikes around the Columbus area throughout the season. As much as I love seeing new birds for the first time, I think I love sharing birds with others even more, or at least just as much! I absolutely enjoy being a part of someone finding a new life bird, or better yet, one they've been trying to see and missing previously. So, needless to say, I was thrilled to be asked to lead some trips. Plus, getting paid to do my favorite activity!? Was I dreaming!? We worked together on getting the schedule set up for our WBU Nature Hike Series and it was difficult for me to choose places I'd like to lead trips because there are very few areas in Columbus that I am familiar with. I took this as an opportunity to get to know some new places. I asked my manager to choose the locations, and I'd start visiting them to become familiar with the areas.

My first trip was scheduled for today, at Green Lawn Cemetery. I wasn't sure what to expect with the weather being full sun and 70 degrees after last Saturday was snowing all day! In addition to the excellent weather, perhaps people were excited about the possibility of seeing Great-horned Owlets. And the Whip-poor-will. I found it and shared it, Kenn Kaufman mentioned it on NPR, and we excitedly talked with customers about it all week. Although we never said or implied that the bird would be around, perhaps people wanted to see it, and thought that just maybe, if they went birding with me at the location where the bird was found we could magically drum up another Eastern Whip-poor-will. Whatever the series of circumstances was, nearly SEVENTY people showed up at Green Lawn Cemetery this morning to spend the sunny morning in search of migratory birds! It was a great group and a lot of fun birding. Several people had lifer Pine Siskins, or Winter Wrens, or Eastern Towhees. We saw recently fledged Great-horned Owls, recently fledged White-breasted Nuthatches, nest-building American Robins and a variety of migrating species such as Sharp-shinned Hawks, Myrtle Warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Hermit Thrushes.

What a great morning! And before the WBU walk began, Ben and I headed out bright and early to do some scouting and to bird together before Ben had to head off to our nephew's birthday party. The cool morning air was perfect for us, and the birds were quite active too! We were able to see our First of Year Pine Warbler, a beautiful male and Green-throated Warblers! We also got to see a Purple Finch and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers!

I have definitely enjoyed the first month working at my new job, and getting out with my lovely husband to explore the great birding areas Columbus has to offer has made my move to the city more enjoyable. I can't wait to see what lies ahead!


  1. So excited and so happy for you, Anna! I love reading your blog posts, and look forward to hearing about your next birding adventure!
