Friday 5 July 2013

330 Year Birds for 2013!

Here are some trip numbers:

I have been gone for 23 days
I have seen 225 species of birds since I left Mansfield, Ohio on June 12th
72 species have been Life Birds!
84 have been new 2013 year birds
I have added birds in 8 states
and 2 Canadian provinces.

These have contributed to me seeing 330 species so far in 2013 and 362 life birds!

Today we left Homer and birded at a few locations between Homer and Soldotna, where we are staying tonight. We didn't see anything new or especially exciting,bird wise, but we did see another Harbor Seal and another Moose! I got out of the car to walk down a trail to try to see the moose better but it had vanished. I did see some evidence of a moose being around though!
My size 7.5 shoe with a fresh moose footprint!
We drove through Anchor Point, Alaska today, which is the most western city in the US that can be accessed from a highway! We also went to the most expensive grocery store I have been in yet, in Soldotna. I spent $29.08 on apples, bananas, a loaf of bread, and a Halibut filet. I cut the filet in strips and breaded and fried it tonight for dinner! It was caught in Homer, so I'm assuming it was fairly fresh and it was DELICIOUS!! It was the best fish I have had yet!

The view from the campground in Homer where we stayed last night!

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